This edition of Health and Safety News focuses on the importance of having up to date health and safety policies in your place of work.

In his article, David Robinson, Thompsons' national professional support lawyer, discusses the importance of renewing health and safety policies and risk assessments and ensuring they remain fit for purpose. Focusing on an incident whereby a worker was electrocuted while carrying out their duties, David Robinson looks at how health and safety policies can be better thought out and implemented to ensure these sorts of incidences occur less frequently.

In this piece serious injury specialist, Philip Liptrot, discusses the little-known chronic regional pain syndrome and the affects it can have on people's lives. Mr Liptrot argues that it is vital that lawyers better understand the often misunderstood condition, so they are able to provide the best advice possible to clients who are suffering.

Finally, senior serious injury solicitor, Karl De-Loyde, examines the positives and drawbacks of the rehabilitation code for those who have suffered significant injuries. An initiative to identify the need for those who have suffered injuries and to evaluate how much compensation they are due, Mr De-Loyde investigates what works and what does not work when it comes to the code, and how useful it is for litigators when fighting for their clients.

The cover of the latest issue of Health and Safety News