A widow has received compensation after her husband died from mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer.

Ted Hissey, a former professional and technical officer from Pembrokeshire died in November 2007 after a year-long fight against the disease.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lungs caused by exposure to asbestos. There is no cure for the disease which can develop decades after the exposure to asbestos.

Exposed to asbestos at work

The 75-year-old grandfather of four was exposed to asbestos during his work for the Department for Environment (now the Department for Communities and Local Government) at RAF Brawdy near St Davids and at the Royal Naval Armaments Depot at Trecwn near Fishguard, in Pembrokeshire, between 1990 and 1993.

He was not warned about the dangers of asbestos or provided with any protection.

His wife, Jenny, said he was always active so it was a dreadful shock when he was diagnosed with a fatal disease.

She said: "My husband was always a hard worker and even after his retirement he would find hobbies to keep himself busy. When he was diagnosed with mesothelioma he found it incredibly difficult to be bed bound.

“The last three years have been incredibly lonely without him. This compensation does not make up for our loss but does give us a sense of relief that the employer has taken responsibility for his death.”

Thompsons Solicitors made claim for asbestos compensation

When he was diagnosed with mesothelioma he contacted Thompsons Solicitors to pursue a claim for compensation. Thompsons were successful in gaining an out of court settlement after the Department for Communities and Local Government eventually admitted liability before the case was due for trial at the end of January 2011.

Eamonn McDonough from Thompsons Solicitors said: “Mr Hissey was a very fit, socially active and engaging man, who was enjoying his retirement. He and his wife were understandably devastated when he was diagnosed with mesothelioma and knew this would rob them of their remaining enjoyable years together.

“His suffering and death, and the incalculable loss to his wife and family, were entirely preventable had his employers not failed in their duty of care.”