A machinist for a renowned aerospace company has received compensation after his index finger on his dominant hand was crushed in a workplace accident.

John Campbell, 56, from Islandmagee in Larne was working for Short Brothers in Belfast, when the accident happened. The firm is best known for building aeroplanes for the defence industry.

He suffered a crush injury to his index finger while he was using a crane to lift part of the frame of an aircraft, weighing 500lb, from a storage area. The frame swung round and due to the confined space he was working in his finger was crushed between the frame and the crane.

Injury has left altered sensation in finger and scarring

Mr Campbell contacted his union, Unite, following the accident who advised him to claim accident compensation and put him in touch with its lawyers Thompsons Solicitors.

Short Brothers admitted liability and settled the claim for £4,000.

Mr Campbell’s injury has healed but he has been left with altered sensation in the finger and scarring.

He said he felt it was important to claim compensation to highlight the health and safety risks of operating cranes in confined spaces.

He said: “This accident could have been prevented by making sure there was enough room to operate the crane. The parts have always been kept in a tight space and we always have problems when trying to lift out the heavier components. I hoped by pursuing compensation my employers would see that something had to be done to prevent further accidents.”

Crush injuries are painful and can often lead to amputation

Jackie Pollock Regional Officer from Unite added: “Crush injuries are painful and can often lead to amputation. Mr Campbell has been fortunate that his injury has repaired well. It is essential that safe systems of work are adhered to. There should be management systems in place to avoid injuries like this.”

Hannah Brunker from Thompsons McClure in Belfast added: “Without safe systems of work in place and the provision of proper equipment dangerous accidents like this can and will happen. Mr Campbell is only lucky that it was only his index finger which was crushed and not his whole hand or his body.”