Conrad is an employment law solicitor who qualified in 2020 and joined Thompsons in July 2022.

Prior to coming to Thompsons, Conrad worked in commercial practices representing employers’ interests.  He was inspired to ‘switch sides’ and join Thompsons - which only ever acts for employees and never for employers - after a spell volunteering with a charity that provides free employment law advice to individuals who had been mistreated at work. Now working in Thompsons’ Bristol office, Conrad assists trade union officials to ensure their members can enforce workplace rights and, where there is no industrial or local solution, represent them in the employment tribunal.

Conrad says that the most enjoyable aspect of his role is knowing his work makes a positive difference to people’s lives and working alongside colleagues at Thompsons who share his values.

Outside of work, Conrad enjoys being outdoors and generally being active alongside closely following the game of cricket.


Conrad's case experience

  • Secured £43,500 for a new mother after her employer had changed her role - amounting to a de-facto demotion - during her maternity leave.  
  • Succeeded in persuading a public sector employer to reverse their local ‘on call’ policy which was having an indirectly discriminatory effect on Muslim staff.  Alongside this, Conrad secured £26,000 compensation for his client who had lost out on years of pay as a result of the discriminatory policy. 
  • Secured over £107,000 in the Employment Appeal Tribunal for an employee who endured a lengthy campaign of harassment (relating to sex) prior to then being unfairly dismissed.