A car factory worker, who developed dermatitis after being exposed to a chemical at work, has secured £7,500 with the support of Unite Legal Services and Thompsons Solicitors.

Michael Trewartha worked on the assembly line for a car manufacturer and in August 2015 began using an epoxy resin sealant. The resin would often seep through the protective fabric sleeves and gloves he was given, onto his hands and arms.

“Michael’s Unite membership meant his case could be brought to a successful resolution quickly and efficiently, ensuring he kept 100 per cent of the compensation secured for him.”

Tim Parker Unite regional officer

After developing pain and tingling in his hands and arms he visited his GP, who diagnosed him with occupational dermatitis. Michael’s condition improved when he took annual leave over the Christmas period, but it got worse when he returned to the same job in the New Year. He has since moved to another area of the factory where he is not exposed to the resin, but still suffers occasional pain and tingling in his arms and hands.

He turned to Unite Legal Services and industrial disease specialists Thompsons Solicitors to make a compensation claim.

“The gloves I was given by my employer were okay for general use but didn’t protect me from the chemical resin,” the 53-year-old said. “My employer should have checked the gloves were fit for purpose before telling us to use the resin, but it didn’t and I’ve paid the price for its mistake.”

The experts at Unite Legal Services and Thompsons Solicitors helped Michael to secure a £7,500 in compensation for his condition.

“I was put in contact with Unite Legal Services and Thompsons Solicitors, who immediately researched how I came into contact with the resin and my medical records, which helped create the case against my employer,” he added. “I know I wouldn’t have been successful without their help.”

Tim Parker, Unite regional officer, said: “Michael has a distressing, permanent skin condition because his employer failed to provide him with appropriate personal protective equipment. A risk assessment would have spotted the danger and precautions should have then been taken.

“Michael’s Unite membership meant his case could be brought to a successful resolution quickly and efficiently, ensuring he kept 100 per cent of the compensation secured for him.”