Boris Johnson’s withdrawal agreement and political declaration provides no protection whatsoever for workers’ rights that emanate from the EU but which many workers take for granted as part of the suite of rights that they enjoy. In fact, they do the exact opposite and either actively or implicitly undermine workers’ rights in the UK.

Boris Johnson’s deal is significantly worse for workers’ rights in the UK than Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement and political declaration. It is for workers as bad as ‘no deal’.

The texts before parliament are a green light for a Conservative government to dismantle workers’ rights in the UK at will, and history (let alone the political make-up of the Cabinet) suggests that they intend – unfettered by any EU minimum standards or enforcement mechanisms – to do just that in the pursuit of deregulation and to achieve the ‘divergence’ that they seek.

Download our response to read more about why we believe Boris Johnson’s withdrawal agreement fails to protect EU workers’ rights in the UK.